Introduction to MUN

Model United Nations (MUN) is a globally renowned educational simulation and academic competition that provides participants with a platform to delve into the complexities of international relations, diplomacy, and policymaking. Rooted in the principles and structures of the United Nations, MUN conferences bring together students from diverse backgrounds and cultures to engage in debates, negotiations, and consensus-building processes aimed at addressing pressing global issues.

During MUN conferences, participants assume the roles of diplomats representing specific countries or non-governmental organizations, tasked with crafting solutions to real-world challenges. Through research, public speaking, and collaboration, delegates navigate intricate geopolitical landscapes, advocating for their assigned positions while striving to uphold the ideals of diplomacy, cooperation, and conflict resolution.

The essence of MUN lies not only in fostering an understanding of international affairs but also in honing critical skills such as communication, negotiation, and problem-solving. By immersing themselves in the complexities of global politics, participants develop a deeper appreciation for the nuances of international relations and gain invaluable insights into the complexities of navigating a rapidly evolving world.

Ultimately, MUN serves as a dynamic platform for young minds to cultivate leadership qualities, enhance cultural competence, and cultivate a sense of global citizenship. As delegates engage in spirited debates, forge alliances, and seek consensus, they contribute to a shared vision of a more peaceful, just, and sustainable world.

Dress Code Policy

Both :
  • Unacceptable: the use of sneakers, sandals, jeans, shorts, t- shirts of any type, sweatshirts, or any non-formal clothing is strictly prohibited; as well as the use of some informal accessories including hats (unless for religious purposes), sunglasses, and caps; clothing that exposes excessive bare skin, exhibits undergarments, or is in any other way revealing is inappropriate.
Men :
  • Acceptable: It’s obligatory to wear a dress shirt (long or short sleeve) and dress pants, tie or bow tie, belt, socks and dress shoes. The size and color is the delegate’s preference.
  • Unacceptable: unbuttoned shirts and sleeves rolled up.
  • Acceptable: skirts or dresses with the length below the knees.
  • Unacceptable: miniskirts, low cut blouses, leggings or tight pants.

Conduct Code Policy

This conduct code applies to every moment of the event to promote a respectful and safe environment. Bear in mind that the violation of the code will result in a warning. In the present case if the violation goes too far, further disciplinary action will be taken in accordance to the situation and will make it unlikely for the delegate to be considered for an award. Mentioning that advisors are responsible for the actions of their participants and must be available at all times.

  1. Delegates must display diplomatic behavior, being respectful to delegates, staff, and teachers. NOT engage or initiate any inappropriate conduct and/or bullying. This will not be tolerated.
  2. Activities that endanger the health and safety of yourself or others are strictly prohibited.
  3. Delegates must maintain appropriate language at all times during the debate.
  4. The delegates need to avoid the use of personal pronouns during the debate. The use of three personal pronouns will result in 1 verbal warning, and 3 verbal warnings will follow with 1 written warning.
  5. Delegates must adhere to the dress code.
  6. Delegates must be on time to the sessions and follow the schedule, if a delegate is late to the session and is not justified by the advisor, the delegate will be sanctioned by written warning.
  7. No cellphones or other devices will be allowed during sessions.
  8. Eating, drinking or chewing gum during the sessions is not allowed.
  9. During all committee sessions, delegates shall listen to and take direction from conference staff.
  10. Listen attentively during opening and closing ceremonies as well as the conferences.
  11. During breaks and lunch, make sure to put all your trash in the trash can.

Award Criteria

San Patricio International School Model United Nations (SPISMUN) is intended to encourage student leadership and teamwork focusing on the discussion of real world problems, in contemplation to develop achievable solutions. Recognizing the distinguished participation in the committees. In order to be eligible for awards, delegates are required to:

  • Submit the position paper by the deadline (April 3rd, 2025 at 11:59 P.M.), with the exception of special committees. Taking into consideration that it is property formatted, well-written and researched.
  • Follow the rules and procedure of the Conduct code, it’s necessary to mention that undiplomatic conduct or comments, not adhering to the dress code, and unpunctuality can proceed with a warning. If the participant persists, further disciplinary action may be taken in accordance to the situation and will make it unlikely for the delegate to be considered for an award.
SPISMUN Award Criteria is divided into four important stages to consider.

I- Participation

Participation will be evaluated by the leading debate in a respectful environment, this is followed within the speaker list, moderated and unmoderated caucuses, working papers and resolutions as well as the crises.

*Participating during the simulation pushes the committee for stronger and more effective solutions.

II- Leadership Attributes

Communicating through a diplomatic and effective way to negotiate and inspire. Including consensus-building and problem solving. To encourage its proposals using strategic thinking and action integrating the whole committee.

III- Rhetorical Skills

Rhetorical skills during the debate are considered by demonstrating mastery skills during the simulation related to have strong communication skills, to spread the message of their country’s policy in the accurate terms, as well as in the leadership attributes to persuade other delegates toward their position, validating their arguments, to work together despite the differences for a solution to the presented problem.

IV- Knowledge

Highlighting that the Model UN program is to educate, delegates must contemplate strong information of their country’s policies, this varies depending on the topic and committee. Expecting that the delegates’ sources of information are reliable and verifiable. In-depth knowledge of the topic that is used to inform and work to move along with the debate, proposing creative and innovative solutions including well-developed strategies.

At the conclusion of the conference, Chairs and Co-Chairs will evaluate the debate participation point totals (considering the award criteria) to rank the delegations/secretaries in each individual committee

How to Write a Position Paper

Delegates are expected to read SPISMUN background papers to introduce and be familiarized with the topics that will be discussed during the sessions.

Delegates participating in regular committees are required to deliver a position paper.

Delegates that do not submit the position paper to the Chair in the established time will be ineligible for awards.

Due date to submit position papers:  Abril 3rd, 2025 at 11:59 P.M.

Position papers should not exceed 2 pages and must include the following 5 steps:

  1. Committee:
  2. Topic:
  3. Country:
  4. School:
  5. Student:

(Flag on the right is optional)

​I- Background

A brief exposition of the antecedents of the problem and advances. Begin with description of events and history of the situation. State how and why the topic is affecting worldwide. Involving the United United Nations’ actions regarding the topic.

In this paragraph delegates state the main points to be solved into the resolution. It is recommended to incorporate data and statistical information that sustains it, highlighting the position that the country has adopted in the most important cases.

II- Foreign Policy

Consist with the assigned country to represent during SPISMUN22 Include the country’s current situation in relation to the topic. How the United Nations or any other country has collaborated, as well as actions or solutions the delegation has implemented. Facts and statistics are recommended.

III- Proposals

State/suggest actions that best address the problem. All proposed solutions must be realistic and accessible and need to be in relation to the committee and/or the principles of the United Nations. Proposals need to be original.

Note: The United Nations are not allowed to create laws.

IV- References

At the end, all position papers should include a list of sources written in APA or MLA format.


To promote a fair and orderly debate SPISMUN will look forward to the following protocol:

  • “Point of inquiry” can’t be used to ask for a point of información or a motion.
  • “Point of order” will not benefit a participant’s score.
  • When the speaker’s list is already established, delegations can`t change position with no exceptions.
  • If a delegate wants to go to the restroom or to take off the sack, a “point of personal privilege” will be acceptable.
  • The moderate caucus can start when 5 or 8 delegates of the speaker’s list read their position paper (depending on the committee).

Preambulatory Clauses

  • Affirming
  • Expecting
  • Having studied
  • Alarmed by
  • Expressing its appreciation
  • Keeping in mind
  • Approving
  • Expressing its satisfaction
  • Noting with regret
  • Aware of
  • Fulfilling
  • Noting with deep concern
  • Bearing in mind
  • Fully alarmed
  • Noting with satisfaction
  • Believing
  • Fully aware
  • Noting further
  • Confident
  • Fully believing
  • Noting with approval
  • Contemplating
  • Further deploring
  • Observing
  • Convinced
  • Further recalling
  • Reaffirming
  • Declaring
  • Guided by
  • Realizing
  • Deeply concerned
  • Having adopted
  • Recalling
  • Deeply conscious
  • Having considered
  • Recognizing
  • Deeply convinced
  • Having considered
  • Suffering
  • Deeply disturbed
  • Having devoted attention
  • Seeking
  • Deeply regretting
  • Having examined
  • Taking into account
  • Desiring
  • Having heard
  • Taking into consideration
  • Emphasizing
  • Having received
  • Taking note
  • Viewing with appreciation
  • Welcoming

Operative Clauses

  • Accepts
  • Affirms
  • Approves
  • Authorize
  • Calls
  • Calls upon
  • Condemns
  • Confirms
  • Notes
  • Proclaim
  • Reaffirms
  • Regrets
  • Reminds
  • Requests
  • Solemnly affirms
  • Strongly condemns
  • Supports
  • Takes note of
  • Transmits
  • Trusts
  • Congratulates
  • Considers
  • Declares accordingly
  • Deplores
  • Designates
  • Draws attention
  • Emphasizes
  • Further resolves
  • Encourages
  • Endorses
  • Expresses its appreciation
  • Expresses its hope
  • Further invites
  • Further proclaims
  • Further reminds
  • Further recommends
  • Further requests

Tips for MUN

Get to know everyone!

Talk to all the delegates in your committee and other committee, get to know our staff and the people in the making

Do your research beforehand

We recommend you to take time before the simulation to investigate about your country, the topic, possible crisis, and solutions to many situations. With proper investigation you will act more confident and be sure of what you are talking about.

Be confident

We encourage you to practice with a mirror talking and convincing other delegates so that you have a chance to get to know yourself and how you debate.

Make Alliances!

We encourage you to talk with delegations you have thing in common or similar solutions to make alliances and start Action Plans with the whole committee